I know you're just eager to secure your place on Pathbuilder 1:1 and buy straightaway, but before you do, please watch the video on this page, as it goes through a couple of vital points.

The rest of the page summarises what you can expect from Pathbuilder 1:1

Please check the info out before you go ahead and complete your purchase

Here's a recap of what you get from Pathbuilder 1:1:

What does this mean in real life?

Who is Pathbuilder 1:1 for?

It's for those who say and feel things like:

"Why do I end up in the same toxic relationships?"

"I'm constantly feeling undervalued at work"

"I can't seem to stick to diets or exercise plans"

"I'm always on edge and can't seem to relax"

"I can't spend money on extravagant items"

"I've no idea what to do with my life"

"I'm always stressed and can't find time for self care"

"I snap at people for no real reason"

"I can't seem to stop a repetitive behaviour like constantly

checking my phone"

What makes Pathbuilder 1:1 unique to other processes?

What's currently happening?

Here's some of the things that you might be experiencing:

Positive Thinking Overload

Many self-help approaches emphasise constant positivity and ignoring "negative" emotions - this doesn't stick long-term, leaving you in the same patterns and unable to figure out why you're still struggling

Superficial Goal Chasing

Focusing on achieving specific goals like career success or finding a partner without addressing the underlying issues. This leads to temporary satisfaction and the perpetual chase for the next goal

Getting stuck in the symptoms

Traditional methods often tackle symptoms directly without digging into the root cause. This results in only temporary relief and the same issues resurfacing in future

what pathbuilder 1:1 offers

Here's what Pathbuilder 1:1 can do you for you:

Embrace all emotions

Pathbuilder 1:1 helps you reconcile and accept all your emotions, revisiting your perception of positive and negative emotions, expanding your understanding, all instead of exhausting yourself with forced positivity

Looking beyond symptoms to the root cause

We dig deep together to identify the one root cause beyond the symptoms we encounter in daily life in all areas: low self worth. By addressing this, you get to resolve multiple symptoms, leading to lasting changes

Creating your own path to your inner pace with flexibility

The path to your inner peace evolves with you, allowing you to achieve your goals as a by-product of deeper work instead of them being the be-all-and-end-all focus

How Pathbuilder 1:1 works

In Emotions 101, we revisit the basics of how to process emotions. We'll challenge our definitions of trauma and emotions, revisiting the stories we tell ourselves and asking ourselves what actually happened?

We'll explore where our current behaviours, thoughts and patterns originated, which'll help us understand how we became stuck in the same cycles and left with unprocessed, suppressed emotions

We begin with Construct - identifying the different characters in your cast: what are their names, what are their traits,

when do they appear?

Deconstruct is where we determine the human and practical needs that each character fulfils and ask ourselves

if we like or dislike them

In Purgatory, we meet and accept our shadow and ask what do you hate? Do you display that behaviour yourself, or want to display it and repress it? And why?

Reconstruct lets us answer how we can appreciate the characters we don't like and meet the needs they fulfill in healthier ways

The RKID Principles that Pathbuilder 1:1 is built on

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